Saturday, March 1, 2008

Mock Interview

I had my mock interview this past Monday and found that I was much more nervous than I needed to be. Once I sat down in the office I became less nervous, which I think helped with the interview process. A few things that I realized were that my resume needs work and I need to incorporate past work experience into my interview answers. My resume needs to be more informative, describing my past work experience in greater detail. I have business experience at a Bridal store and I need to incorporate that as much as possible into my interviews. This interview was also much shorter than a traditional interview, which I should be prepared for. Had this been a real interview, I would have researched the company more that I did in preparation for this mock interview. I realized that I need to be prepared with more questions at the end of the interview to make me seem more interested in the company. Overall I would say that this was a good learning experience and now I feel more prepared for an actual interview.

1 comment:

Tsengsational said...

I reflected on your presentation as part of my blog post for this week. According to the instructions I'm supposed to let you know about this. Creepy, isn't it?